10 April 2009

Forever Friends

7 apr 09

Songs for this post: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g132K0bIcGg


My last day in CT. I wake up in the morning and will miss this lovely view. Amy and I spend the day driving around ao that I can try to absorb every lil bit I can. We hang at the beach and I soak up as much sun, observation and air that I can . This is it I think. The farewell party. Until I meet Momma Afrika again I breathe in and release her. As to tell me it was ok to go (mamma) the tide wave came in right up to my toes but not touching Amy or I but there was water all around us. People even gasped for they thought we would get all wet but like this whole trip - she was there to nurture and support me. She let a wave hug me goodbye. It was sweet, warm and lovely, just what I expected.

I took Amy back to the guest house. It was hard to leave her after all that we witnessed and was involved in. I could see in her soggy eyes it was hard for her too. I know Africa was good to hear as well and know we will forever be bonded from this experience.

In true Tiffany fashion, I ran to the airport, dropped off the car, ran all around with my oversized bags. I had to stroke (my word for smooth talking to get what you want) the baggage attendant to let me on with the extra lbs. O and gave him a Rand loaded handshake and I was off feeling like aI knew her well, saw a lot of her and will be her forever friend. AFRIKA!

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