I was asked by my team to make a farewell speech to the people of Malungeni on behalf of Global Volunteers to make at our last day. I read the following as a member of the community translated for me. All our kids were there and members of the community. The local paper the Fever was there. It was a great event.
On behalf of this group of Global Volunteers, we would like to give Malungeni a big Enkosi!
The warmth that we have recieved in the community has been overwhelming. We have enjoyed staying in the beautiful country side and have been admiring it since the first day we arrived. Enkosi!
We are impressed with the soul and heart of the community that is proudly displayed in the passionate voices of the singers who gracefully sang to us, in church or just even walking on the street. The passion is also there in the dancing we saw on day 1 when the women and kids showed us their confidence, beauty and grace. Enkosi!
Also, Enkosi to our host Rev. Spiero and the guest house staff for tending to our every need from start to finish. We enjoyed every moment spent with you and thanks for making our stay feel like home. again, Enkosi.
During our two week visit to Malungeni our goals were to:
1. Wage peace by promoting justice
2. Work towards building change
3. To promote our own self development
4. To commit to educating our community when we return home to Chicago, Minneapolis, NY and Poland.
In reviewing our goals, we feel successful in our achievements of these goals. OUr time was mostly spent at the local primary school teaching English, however we worked with many facets of the community as well. We spent time with the women's empowerment group to discuss plans for progress for the bakery, veg garden, piggery/poultry, brick making and sewing projects. Not only was it quite nice to build relationships with the women but also in helping to foster the idea of trading service/goods for service/goods. This was a great example of how to build unity in the community. What is community anyway? Common unity right? Our hope is that the growth does not stop there. Let this be an example for you in your community to continue to work towards development and follow the yes, we can mentality.
Let this mentality grow within the children. WE hve had the privelage to get to know the kids of this community well. Tehy are very bright, egar, well mannered kind and gifted young people. Their enthusiam for learning has shown us the importance in loving and fostering the youth. From english lessons, geography, math, shapes and colors to HIV discussions you were all ready to participate and learn something new. On our first day here were were told "knowledge is power". We believe that to be true and hope that the youth continue to gain power. Let the youth be the change you want to see in the world. It has been more than and honor to work with Grades R -9. You will hold a special place in our hearts and we will be forever proud to have been called your "TEEEchaahs"!
In grade 4-6 we learned the english word hope while singing "do you hear the people sing" what is the word hope? What does it mean? Hope is the belief and promise in something better.
Our hope is for continued success in this program. Our hope is for continued progress and prosperity in Malugeni and our hope is for a long lasting relationship between Malungeni and Global Volunteers.
Thank you - Enkosi!